Rebuild Kentucky with Community Action Partnerships


In partnership with Community Action agency members, Community Action Kentucky is dedicated to helping achieve economic stability and improved health outcomes. Below is a list of the resources available for Kentucky residents.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Subsidy

  • The enrollment period is open until December 10, 2021.
  • Applications will be accepted until December 10 or until the funds are depleted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Applicants will need to be required to provide the following documentation at the time of application.
    • Proof of Social Security Number or Permanent Residence card for each member of the household.
    • Proof of all household’s (all members) income from the previous month.
    • Most recent heating bill (or statement from your landlord if heating expenses are included in your rent), or a statement from your utility company if you participate in a Pre-Pay Electronic Program.
    • The account number and name on the account for main heating fuel sources and electric bill.
  • The subsidy component provides households a one-time benefit awarded based on a household’s income level and heating fuel type.

Home Energy Assistant Program (HEA)

  • HEA is accepting applications.
  • Limited spots are available based on household county, utility, and benefit type.
  • Approved applicants will be placed on a waiting list which is based on the lowest income first.
    • An approved application is not a guarantee of a benefit.
  • To be eligible
    • Household income must be at or below 200% Percentage of Poverty.
    • Must be an active residential customer of a participating utility with service connected at the resident where the benefits will be credited.
    • Must use natural gas or electricity as the household’s primary heat source.
    • Must provide the utility with access for monthly meter readings.
    • Does not reside in a multi-unit single metered building.

Medicaid Enrollment

  • Community Action Kentucky’s local kynectors can help you navigate the process of applying for health insurance.
  • They can assist you in the enrollment process for full Medicaid benefits or a special enrollment period for a Qualified Health Plan on the Federal marketplace.

CARES Act Program Funding

  • Community Action Kentucky is able to increase the number of people served through a variety of programs and services.
  • Programs and services are tailored to meet the individual needs of their communities.

More information about what programs and services are available to help Rebuild Kentucky on the Community Action Kentucky website.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the City of Oak Grove. We are more than happy to help in any way we can.