- Mayor Jackie Oliver - (270) 439-4646
- City Clerk, Lorelynn Fisher - (270) 439-4646
- Dep. City Clerk, Lisa Beckman - (270) 439-4646
- Public Works Director, Brian Ahart - (270) 439-4646
- Police Department - (270) 439-4602
- Community Center Director, Melissa Lynch - (270) 640-7575
- Oak Grove Utility Department - (270) 439-5433
- Business Taxes and License, AJ Lewis - (270) 439-4646
- Accountant/Human Resources, Hailey Bamford - (270) 439-4646
- Roads & Grounds (City) - (270) 439-4646
- Road Department (County) - (270) 887-4122
- State Road Department - (270) 885-3388
- State Transportation Department - (270) 824-7080
- Animal Control - (270) 439-4602
- Garbage/Trash Pickup (GFL Environmental) - (931) 552-7276
- Code Enforcement Officer/Zoning Inspector, Brendon Wadland - (270) 666-1005
- Unsightly Garbage/Trash/Junk Vehicles - (270) 666-1005
- Noise Complaints (Dispatch) - (270) 439-4602
- Mosquitos (Dept of Agri.) - (502) 782-9240)
- Street Lights (Pennyrile Electric) - (270) 886-2555
- Traffic Tickets, Legal Matters (Circuit Clerk) - (270) 889-6539
- Christian County Animal Shelter - (270) 887-4175
- Tourism, Traci Cunningham - (270) 439-5675
- State Building Inspector, Frank Wallace - (270) 619-0813
- Finance Director, Matt Egbert - (270) 439-4646