Burning Notice



KRS 149.400

Kentucky Forest Fire Hazard Seasons are

February 15 through April 30


October 1 through December 15

During the forest fire hazard seasons, even though the precautions required by KRS 149.375 have been taken, it is unlawful for any person to:

  • set fire to,
  • or procure another to set fire to, any flammable material capable of spreading fire,
  • located in or within one hundred fifty feet (150ft) of any woodland or brushland,
  • except between the hours of 6:00PM and 6:00AM, prevailing local time, or when the ground is covered with snow.

* Other burning laws may apply. Check local ordinances and the KY Divisions of Air Quality and Waste Management before conducting any outdoor burning.

For further information, contact your local Kentucky Division of Forestry office: https://eec.ky.gov/Natural-Resources/Forestry/wildland-fire-management/Pages/Outdoor-Burning-Laws.aspx